Hey All! Here are the details! I do put a lot of time into editing photos. But your turn around time is typically pretty fast! I take a limited number of photo sessions per week/month because I REALLY like finishing a session before I start on the next! Knowing this about myself means I know I'm far more comfortable taking fewer clients, and processing their photos quickly. Although turn around times vary depending on the time of year and my childcare situation (special needs mom here yo! And medical stuff keeps me BUSY sometimes!) I try to keep my turn around time 14 days or less for couples and family sessions. And within 4 weeks for seniors/newborns. If you need something quick for some reason (HELLO MOTHER'S DAY GIFT OR FORGOTTEN HOLIDAY CARDS!) let me know right away and I'll see if I can rush it. If you would like to know my current turn around time, please check with me regarding turn around times when you book.
Photos consistent with my style are best done in the during the hour or so before sunset. Dates will be limited and times will vary depending on the time of year. Note- Have camera, will travel! Book early for destination photos!
Package pricing listed below.Pricing includes travel within 30 miles of Chippewa Falls/ Eau Claire, WI. Sales tax will be added to your invoice.
Pricing below is for digital images plus print release. Your digital album of full size images will be available to download. You will also have the option to print at a professional printer through your digital album. I guarantee print quality when you order directly through your digital album. Because various printers use a wide range of ink and paper quality, I can not guarantee the print quality of images printed through other printers. High end paper and printing options are available through your digital gallery as well as professional photo albums available upon request.
Northern Wisconsin family and couples photographer serving Eau Claire, Wisconsin, the Chippewa Valley, and beyond.
We all grow up so fast! You know it's time to update your photos in a way that reflects your current phase.
Welcome to Lavender Green Photography. Northern Wisconsin family photographer.
Down to Earth Garden Center
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
My heart sings every time I see the photos she captured during our day, both of us and our family and friends.
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My candid style session may have you...
Playing games
Telling secrets
Running around
Sitting still
Being silly!
Being serious
Playing pranks
Telling jokes
Don't worry- it will be fun. It is less about what we're doing and more about your reaction to the moment.
Full Sessions- $300
Great for families, wiggly kiddos, photos with pets, and couples photography so that you can take your time and enjoy your session. 35 edited digital images included.
Mini Sessions*- $175 15-20 Minute Session. Need just a few options for a holiday card photo, graduation party invite, or an engagement announcement? A mini session may be a great option!
Up to 10 edited digital images included. 15-20 Minute Session.
*Mini session dates are limited August 1st- October 31st. Contact me for availability.
Generations Session- Generations sessions can range from two generations, to multiple generations and multiple branches of multiple family trees. Visit the Contact page to message me for a custom quote.
Don't see what you're looking for? Pop over to my contact page and send me a message!